Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Egg

I wrote this for school the past week. I am hoping to draw pictures to accompany it, hopefully I'll post them soon!

When I turned on my bedside lamp last night, I was startled to find a large "something" on my bed. I wasted no time in inspecting it, only to find that it was the shape of an egg, a bluish greenish color, very hard, and very smelly. Now I was left to ponder what to do with IT. After all, I couldn't just climb back in bed and go to sleep. I would have to move it. As it was heavy, I eased it onto the floor and then contemplated again what to do. I couldn't leave it in my room . . what if it hatched while I was sleeping? No, there was no other option. It would have to go into my sister's room. I rolled it across the dark hallway. IT seemed to hesitate at the door, as if unsure if this was an safe place to be. But hearing loud snoring coming from within, I nudged it along, confident of my choice.

I was awakened that morning by a loud, cracking noise, followed by a scream. Then silence. I smiled, rolled over, and snuggled back into my bed and reflected on my lack of compassionate love for my sister.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Friends :)

 These are some of my favorite pictures of me and my friends! I love them all a lot, and I feel so blessed to have them as friends.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Last year I was mostly into drawing cartoons, but since I started art class, I have been able to learn how to draw (or paint) some really cool things.

This is one of my newest projects from art class. My teacher had us do a project that would come out looking like a stained glass drawing.

First I drew her (free-hand) on the black card stock with a art pencil.
I had some inspiration from a picture my art teacher had.

Then I went over the pencil lines Elmer's no-run gel;
I also added glue to some of the details on her dress.
After it dried, I colored it in with Prismacolor pencils. The pencils I used made the colors stand out really well.
It was a really fun project. You have to be patient while the glue dries, but it was worth the wait. I really like how it is textured and how the different colors came through.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cartooned Creature

I still enjoy drawing cartoon animals; this one is my most recent . . .
Do you recognise him from somewhere??