Monday, March 7, 2011

#1-I am feeling like this . . .

#2-I wish I was better at playing this.

#3-I feel scared when the top of the neighbors big tree falls into our yard during a wind storm.

#4-This is what I wish I was doing right now (sleeping) . . . . but I'm not, sigh.

#5-I know this seems like a contradiction after #3; but if I can't sleep, I'd like to play volleyball with my cool team.

#6-eating cake.

#7-But have a supper of homade Won Ton soup (my newest accomplishment) first, before indulging in #5

#8-What I'll have to do after I indulge in every crumb of #5--brush my teeth. But I won't mind it at all because I like the way my teeth feel after baking soda brushing--I know, I am wierd.

1 comment:

  1. Love your post and your "smelly" honesty!!!!! That dog looked GROSS. Glad you went for a walk down by the creek. I thought I saw you the other day and YES that was you with the dogs. Glad Hershey was home staying out of trouble. Very nice scrap booking of your doings. Thanks for sharing! love to you, "a" jane
