Saturday, March 24, 2012

{week 12}

Hittin  the slopes with Mom, Dad and Leslie

"When I consider your heavens,
   the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
   which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
   human beings that you care for them?"

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

old letters and cards

Found this idea on pinterest (where else?) as a solution to my card storage problems.  I have saved pretty much every card that I was given and I love looking through them, but its hard to enjoy them when they are in a cardboard box in the attic.  

So this was the perfect solution (I think).

Here are some cards from my opa and oma that I found while looking through the attic.  Oma would usually write the letter and opa would use his art skills to draw these at the end of the letter.

Oma didn't think this one was accurate though . . .

He may not have been much of a artist but I love these drawings so much!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

{week 11}

Volleyball on Tuesdays with Leslie

Playing with the baby goats

Andes chocolates during math

Babysitting jobs

Homemade wonton soup

Learning more about who God is

Monday, March 12, 2012

{week 10}

So March really does come in like a lion . . . 

It was the perfect amount of snow to make everything look like wintertime again!  But then it melted and it felt like spring.

And speaking of lions and lambs . . . 

Here are some more photos of our new baby goats.

It has been such a busy week and I feel like I have been covered in goat hair, goat saliva and goat milk all week--but it has been so much fun having baby goats to take care of again!  

Monday, March 5, 2012

New Kids!!! {03.05.12}

Three healthy baby goats we born between nine and ten this morning.   Two boys and one girl!  It is such a blessing (and a miracle) to be able to watch them being born.  

God is so amazing!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Photography {03.04.12}

I have been taking care of my neighbors dog and their new puppy, Chester this past week.  We haven't had a puppy at our house in several decades so Lester came along with me to play with Chester :)

I love the feeling when I get a good shot--like this one--it makes me so happy!

Leslie: I am never gonna let you move away; I just love you too much to let that happen!

Me trying to be disciplinary . . . it clearly didn't work :)

{week 9}

Taking care of our neighbors new puppy, Chester

Edaleen ice cream 'date' with Papa

Working on Pinterest projects (!!!)
(like this one: flowers from cupcake wrappers)

Enjoying time with mom to do projects

Movie nights with cousins